Channel: Not getting any ringing status in nextjs by using getstream sdk - Stack Overflow
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Not getting any ringing status in nextjs by using getstream sdk


I started trying to integrate getstream video sdk to call from caller to callee. From the caller side, i successfully can make create calls but from the callee side i am not getting any status about the call.

Here my caller side codes are,

import {  CustomButtonPrimary,  CustomStackCenter,  CustomStackFullWidth,} from '@/styles/styled-components/CustomStacks';import {CustomPaper} from '@/styles/styled-components/CustomStyles';import CallIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Call';import {  Call,  CallingState,  StreamCall,  StreamVideo,  StreamVideoClient,  useCallStateHooks,} from '@stream-io/video-react-sdk';import '@stream-io/video-react-sdk/dist/css/styles.css';import {useEffect, useState} from 'react';const apiKey = 'mmhfdzb5evj2'; // the API key can be found in the "Credentials" sectionconst token ='eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiSGFuX1NvbG8iLCJpc3MiOiJwcm9udG8iLCJzdWIiOiJ1c2VyL0hhbl9Tb2xvIiwiaWF0IjoxNjk4MjE0OTUwLCJleHAiOjE2OTg4MTk3NTV9.ugMkFCZcQHOnjT-JGT4rmCOe91p__2guOs2Lcrz8Ew8'; // the token can be found in the "Credentials" section// the user id can be found in the "Credentials" section// const callId = 'R2E4TuX4TPQ4'; // the call id can be found in the "Credentials" section// initialize the StreamVideoClientconst Layout = ({callId, user}: {callId: string; user: any}) => {  const [call, setCall] = useState<Call>();  const client = new StreamVideoClient({apiKey, user, token});  //const myCall = client.call('default', callId);  const handleCreateCall = async () => {    const newCall = await client.call('default', callId).join({      ring: true,      data: {        members: [{user_id: 'Han_Solo'}, {user_id: 'Pre_Vizsla'}],      },    });    console.log('daa', newCall);    setCall(newCall);  };  const handleLeave = () => {    // call.leave().catch((err) => {    //   console.error(`Failed to leave the call`, err);    // });    // setCall(undefined);  };  // if (!call) {  //   return null;  // }  return (<>      {call ? (<CustomStackFullWidth><StreamVideo client={client}><StreamCall call={call}><UILayout handleLeave={handleLeave} /></StreamCall></StreamVideo></CustomStackFullWidth>      ) : (<CustomPaper sx={{p: '3rem'}}><CustomStackCenter spacing={3}><CallIcon sx={{fontSize: '50px'}} /><CustomButtonPrimary onClick={handleCreateCall}>              Create Call</CustomButtonPrimary></CustomStackCenter></CustomPaper>      )}</>  );};export default Layout;export const UILayout = ({handleLeave}: {handleLeave: () => void}) => {  const {useCallState} = useCallStateHooks();  const callingState = useCallState();  useEffect(() => {    if (callingState !== CallingState.JOINED) {      return <div>Loading...</div>;    }    return (<CustomStackFullWidth><StreamVideo client={client}><StreamCall call={call}><UILayout handleLeave={handleLeave} />            {/* <RingingCall /> */}</StreamCall></StreamVideo></CustomStackFullWidth>    );  }, [callingState]);};

on the other side, callee side code is also given below,

import {  Call,  RingingCall,  StreamCall,  StreamVideo,  StreamVideoClient,} from '@stream-io/video-react-sdk';import {useState} from 'react';const callId = '';const userId = '';const user = {  id: userId,  name: 'Anwar Irish',  image: 'https://getstream.io/random_svg/?id=oliver&name=Oliver',};const apiKey = const token =// const client = new StreamVideoClient({apiKey, user, token});const RingingLayout = () => {  const [call, setCall] = useState<Call>();  const client = new StreamVideoClient({apiKey, user, token});  // Listen for incoming calls  client.on('incomingCall', async (incomingCall) => {    try {      console.log('ga', incomingCall);      // await incomingCall.answer();      // setCall(incomingCall);    } catch (error) {      console.error('Failed to answer the incoming call', error);    }  });  if (!call) return null;  return (<StreamVideo client={client}><StreamCall call={call}><RingingCall /></StreamCall></StreamVideo>  );};export default RingingLayout;

I tried my best to solve or find out the issue. Couldn't get any proper solution. Also, I read Getstream's documentations.

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